Severe cyclonic storm ‘Fani’ heading towards Odisha

  • Cyclone ‘Fani’ intensified into a ‘severe cyclonic storm’ on Monday evening and is headed towards the Odisha coast, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.
  • It could take a shape of an ‘extremely severe cyclone’ by Wednesday, prompting the government to put the National Disaster Response Force and the Indian Coast Guard on high alert, officials said.

“Yeti” Footprints Sighted By Expedition Team, Tweets Indian Army

  • In a post that reminded many of “Tintin in Tibet” and had the popular character trending, the Army tweeted on Monday that its team had sighted “mysterious footprints of the mythical beast Yeti”, commonly known as the “abominable snowman” that many over the decades claim to have seen, but without much proof.
  • Yeti images of footprints were shared by the Indian Army on Twitter. It said that it discovered the footprints on April 9 at Makalu Base Camp in Nepal. It also claimed that the “elusive snowman” has also only been sighted nearby at Makalu-Barun National Park.

Akihito begins abdication rituals as Japan marks end of era

  • Emperor Akihito began his abdication rituals at a Shinto shrine on Tuesday morning as Japan embraces the end of his reign with reminiscence and hope for a new era.
  • Akihito (85), took the throne in 1989 and devoted his career to making amends for a war fought in his father’s name while bringing the aloof monarchy closer to the people.

Scientists in Chile find 15,000-year-old footprint

  • A team of scientists in Chile have said that they found a human footprint that dates back more than 15,000 years, the oldest one ever found in the Americas, the media reported on Tuesday.
  • The discovery challenges the previous timeline and map of human migration into South America.