TSLPRB releases SCT SI preliminary answer keys; check at tslprb.in
Preliminary answer keys for Telangana SCT SI final written examination have been released. Last date to raise objections is May 10th before 5 pm.

The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) recently released the preliminary answer keys for SCT SI and ASI final written examinations on its website - tslprb.in. Candidates who have appeared for the recruitment exams can now check the provisional answer keys and even raise objections, if any, before the time stipulation given by the board.
TSLPRB had conducted the the final written examinations: technical paper for SCT SI IT&C and technical paper for SCT ASI FPB in the forenoon and afternoon sessions respectively on 27 th April, 2019, in the ongoing process of Recruitment. The answer keys were made available by the board on may 7th and the last date to raise objections is May 10th till 5 pm.
This recruitment process is being conducted to fill a total of 55 vacancies for Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Sub Inspector (SI) of Police, Information Technology & Communications (Men & Women) in Police Department and SCT Assistant Sub Inspector of Police, Finger Print Bureau (Men & Women) in Police Department. The notification for the same was released by the board in the month of May 2018.
An official press statement released by the board regarding the answer keys says, candidates may submit Objections, if any, on Preliminary Key for each question of each Paper individually, in the Web Template/s made available to them in their respective Accounts: latest by 5 pm on 10th May 2019, by uploading any supporting Documents / Material in pdf/jpeg format, as attachments. Further below are the direct links to the provisional answer keys.