APPSC to release hall tickets for multiple exams today on May 9th
Hall tickets for three APPSC examinations is scheduled to be declared on May 9th which is today. Candidates can download the hall tickets from

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) will release hall tickets for three separate examinations today on May 9th. The commission has confirmed the hall ticket declaration date via press notes. The hall tickets will be available for download from today at APPSC website -
APPSC will be conducting main examinations for the Post of Assistant Commissioner of endowments in A.P. Charitable and Hindu religious institutions and endowments service, Assistant Executive Engineers in various Engineering Services and Assistant Director in A.P Economics & Statistical service. All the exams will be held in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
While the multiple examinations mentioned above will begin from May 13th onwards and continue till May 15th, 2019. The admit cards for the same will be released during today and will be available for download till the exam date. Candidates must note that a valid hall ticket is necessary to appear for the examination.
APPSC is the states premier recruiting agency for top positions in the government. In addition to the competitive examinations for direct recruitment for various posts, Departmental tests are conducting at 13 District Head Quarters twice in a year in conventional method for the employees of A.P State Government