Andhra Pradesh Residential Educational Institutions Society has declared the APRJC and APRDC CET 2019 result on May 21st, 2019. Students who had appeared for the Andhra Pradesh Resident Junior College Common Entrance Test (APRJC-CET) and MJPAPBCW 2019 or AP Resident Degree College CET can check the result at the APREIS official website,

The APRJC CET is conducted for admissions to junior colleges in the state offering MPC, BiPC, CEC, and MEC courses. The exam this year was conducted May 9th from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. APRDC CET is conducted for admissions to junior colleges for various UG courses offered by the participting colleges.

Candidates can click on this direct link to access the 2019 APRJC-CET, APRDC. and Class V result. Link for various results can be accessed from the home page of AP Residential Education Society website.

APRJC and APRDC notification was released and application process was initiated on March 14th and went on until April 17th, 2019. The exams were conducted on May 9th and now the results have been released.