CG TET 2019 Sub-Engineer Civil result declared; check at
Along with the result, final answer keys for both the exams has also been released at the official website.

Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CG PEB) has declared the CG TET 2019 and Sub-Engineer (Civil) (PMSE18) result today, June 14th, at the official website. All the candidates who had appeared for Paper I and/or Paper II of the CG TET 2019 or the Sub-Engineer examination can check their result at the official website,
Along with the result, CG Vyapam also released the CG TET 2019 and Sub-Engineer final answer keys for both the examinations. The examination for the Sub-Engineer (Civil) 2018 was conducted on February 3rd and the initial answer keys were released on February 18th, 2019. The CG TET 2019 examination was conducted on March 10th, 2018 and the answer keys were released on March 18th, 2019.
The direct links to check the result are here for CG TET Paper I and Paper II, and Sub-Engineer. The final answer keys can be accessed in these links for CG TET 2019 Paper I, Paper II and Sub-Engineer. The merit list for the Sub-Engineer exam can be accessed in this link.
CGTET exam consists of Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is conducted to certify candidate’s eligibility to teach from Class I to Class VI and the Paper II is to certify to teach from Class VI to Class VIII at any CG Education Board affiliated schools.