EPFO SSA 2019 recruitment: Admit card released; download from epfindia.gov.in
The exam is scheduled to be conducted on August 31st and September 1st for the recruitment of Social Security Assistant.

Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has released the call letter for the preliminary examination conducted for the recruitment of Social Security Assistant or SSA on August 9th, 2019. Candidates who have applied and are eligible to appear for the exam can download the admit card or call letter from the official website, epfindia.gov.in.
EPFO is scheduled to conduct the examination on August 31st and September 1st, 2019. The preliminary exam will test candidates on English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Aptitude and the total marks of the exam will be 100 and for a duration of an hour. There is a negative marks of one-fourth for each wrong answer.
EPFO SSA recruitment preliminary exam admit card is available in this direct link.
EPFO had released the notification for the recruitment of SSA on June 27th and the application process started on the same day and went on until July 21st, 2019. The recruitment process is being conducted to fill 2,189 positions. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on August 31st and September 1st, 2019.
The official date of the release of the admit card was August 21st; however, it has been released more than 10 days in advance. There were rumours in the first week of August about the admit card release; however, it turned out to be false.
How to download EPFO 2019 SSA Phase I admit card:
- Visit the EPFO official recruitment website.
- A link for downloading the SSA admit card will be visible on the home page which can be clicked. Alternatively, link for the admit card will also be available under Miscellaneous tab where candidates can find a link for ‘Recruitment’.
- Click on the link to download the admit card and enter the log-in details.
- The admit card will be available for download and print out.