UPSC 2019 Civil Services Main exam admit card released at
UPSC is schedule to conduct the Civil Services Main exam on September 20th, 2019.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued the e-Admit Card for the 2019 Civil Services Main examination today, August 30th, 2019. Candidates who have cleared the Preliminary exam and have registered to participate in the Main exam can download the admit card from the official website, or
All the candidates who had cleared the preliminary exam are now eligible to appear for the Main exam scheduled to be conducted on September 20th to September 29th, 2019. UPSC Civil Services is the highly coveted exam and the CSE preliminary exam in 2019 was conducted on July 2nd. The commission had declared the preliminary examination result on July 12th, 2019.
Candidates can download the UPSC Civil Services Main exam admit card from this direct link. Candidates are suggested to go through the instructions carefully before proceeding with the process of downloading the admit card.
UPSC had invited applications from eligible candidates for CSE 2019 from February 19th onward and continued the process till March 19th. Total of 896 posts including those reserved for PWD candidates have been advertised this year for CSE. While this is a slight increase from last year, however the vacancies continue to be low.
The Civil Services Examination is conducted in three successive stages: 1) Preliminary (objective type) for the selection of candidates for the main examination 2) Civil Services (Main) Examination (written and interview) for the selection of candidates for the various Services and posts announced.
How to download UPSC CSE 2019 Main exam e-Admit Card:
- Visit the UPSC official website.
- Click on the link to download the UPSC Main exam e-admit card under the ‘What’s New’ section.’
- Click on the link under the ‘Link’ column to download the admit card.
- A new page will open with link to download the admit card which will take one to a new page with detailed instructions. Go through the instruction before proceeding.
- Select the relevant detail and fill the log-in information to access the admit card.
- Download and take a print out of the admit card.