WB Police 2019 Warder recruitment admit card released at wbpolice.gov.in
The WBPRB will conduct the competitive written exam for the recruitment on September 15th, 2019.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has issued the admit card for the Competitive Written exam for the 2019 recruitment for male and female warder positions on September 2nd, 2019. The admit card can be downloaded from the WBPRB official website, wbpolice.gov.in.
The police recruitment board will conduct the Competitive Written Examination for recruitment to the post of Warder/Female Warder under Directorate of Correctional Services on September 15th, 2019 from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm.
Candidates can download the WBPRB Warder exam admit card from this direct link.
The candidates will have to go through a 90-mark online exam which will test candidates on General Awareness, English, Elementary Mathematics, Reasoning, and Computer Literacy. All candidates who clear the exam will appear for a physical measurement exam and physical efficiency test and an interview.
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 816 warder positions of which 695 are for male warders and 121 are for female warders. The application process began on February 15th and went on until March 14th, 2019.
How to download WBPRB 2019 Warder exam admit card:
1. Visit the WBPRB official website.
2. Click on the link to ‘Recruitment’ tab on the home page.
3. Click on the ‘Get Details’ link against the relevant recruitment drive.
4. Click on the ‘Get Details’ link against the admit card notice.
5. Select the relevant advertisement for which admit card is needed.
6. Enter the Application Number and Date of Birth and ‘Submit’.
7. The admit card can be accessed which needs to be printed out.