APPSC 2018 Divisional Accounts Officer screening test results declared at
A total of 287 candidates have cleared the screening test exam and now eligible to appear for the Main exam.

Andhra Pradesh Pubic Service Commission (APPSC) has declared the 2018 Divisional Accounts Officer (DAO) Screening Test results today, September 13th, 2019. Candidates who had appeared for the exam can check if they have cleared the screening test at the official website,
Apart from the result, candidates can also check their individual scores, cut-off marks, list of rejected candidates with reason. A total number of 287 candidates have cleared the round and are now eligible to appear for the Main exam round.
Candidates can access the list of roll numbers who have cleared the screening test round in this direct link. Cut-off marks can be accessed here and list of rejected candidates here. Individual marks can be accessed in this link.
The screening test for the 2018 DAO recruitment was conducted on July 7th, 2019 and answer keys were released and objections were invited. Based on the final answer keys, the result has been declared. The details of the Main exam will be released in the near future.
How to check the APPSC DOA 2018 screening result:
- Visit the APPSC official website.
- Click on the link to check the result for the DOA and final answer keys, whichever is relevant.
- The PDF will get downloaded which has all the necessary details.