SSC 2019 MTS Paper I and 2018 CGL Tier II results to be declared on October 25th
SSC released a tentative schedule for future results and CGL and CHSL 2017 final result will be coming out in the months of November and December, respectively.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released schedule for future result dates and Combined Graduate Level (CGL) 2017 and Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) 2017 final result dates have finally been revealed.
Candidates have to wait until November 15th for and December 20th for CGL 2017 and CHSL 2017 final results, respectively.
The CGL 2018 Tier II result will be declared on October 25th and Multi Tasking Selection (MTS) 2019 Paper I result will also come on the same day.
All the results, once declared, will be available at SSC’s official website,
It should be noted that all the above-mentioned result dates are tentative and SSC is expected to confirm the exact dates in the near future.
Candidates have been eagerly waiting for the CHSL and CGL 2017 final result for quite some time now and recently the Commission had assured that the result will be declared soon.
The calendar of the results can be accessed at the official website, under the “Latest News’ section. One can also access the updated SSC result calendar in this direct link.