BPSSC 2018 Steno Assistant SI final result declared; check for direct link
The recruitment drive conducted for 174 Stenographer Assistant Sub-Inspector positions managed to fill 173 vacancies.

Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) has declared the final result for the 2018 Stenographer Assistant Sub-Inspector (SI) examination on September 19th, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the skill test round for the recruitment can check the result at teh official website, bpssc.bih.nic.in.
The Commission aimed at filling 174 vacancies; however, the final result suggests that the Commission managed to fill 173 positions with one seat yet to be filled. The result notification also has details of candidates who were disqualified for various reasons and the cut-off marks.
Candidates can access the notification and the result details in this direct link.
A total number of 6952 candidates had appeared for the preliminary examination of which 2355 cleared for the next round. A total number of 438 candidates cleared the skill test for typing and shorthand and after document verification final results have been declared.
How to check BPSSC Steno Asst SI 2018 final result:
- Visit the BPSSC website.
- Click on the link to check the final result for the recruitment available on the home page.
- A PDF will all the details will open for candidates to chec,