BPSSC 2019 SI Recruitment: Preliminary exam date revealed; check here for details
The BPSSC had released notification for Police SI, Sergeant, Asst Superintendent Jail (Direct), Asst Superintendent Jail (ex-servicemen) positions on Aug 21st.

Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) has released the exam details for the preliminary exam for the recruitment for 2,446 vacancies for the positions of Police Superintendent, Sergeant, Assistant Superintendent Jail (Direct Recruitment), and Assistant Superintendent Jail (Ex-Servicemen) positions on October 6th.
The notification stated that the preliminary exam for the 2019 recruitment will be conducted on December 22nd, 2019. The notification for the same can be accessed on the official website or in this link.
The recruitment notification to fill these 2,446 positions was released on August 21st and the application process went on until September 25th, 2019 at the official website, bpssc.bih.nic.in.
The admit card is expected to be released 2 weeks before the scheduled exam. Candidates can check the official website or the Scroll.in’s Announcements page for latest updates.
The official notification for the position can be accessed at the official website or in this direct link. Candidates can check the notification for exam pattern and syllabus along with PET/PMT criteria, among other information.