EPFO 2019 Phase I Assistant exam result declared; check for direct link
The successful candidates are now eligible for the Phase II recruitment phase scheduled to be conducted in November.

Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has released the Phase I result for the 2019 recruitment for Assistant examination today, October 16th, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam can download the result at the official website, epfindia.gov.in.
The candidates who have been declared as successful in the exam are now eligible to appear for the Phase II of the recruitment. The exam for the Phase II is scheduled to be conducted on November 7th. More details will be released soon on it.
Candidates can access the phase I result for the recruitment in this direct link.
The exam is being conducted to fill 280 vacancies of Assistant position in the EPFO. The Phase I examination was conducted on July 31st, 2019 and now the result has been declared. A total number of 3049 candidates are successful and now can appear for the Phase II exam.
The Phase I result is qualifying in nature and Phase II performance will be used to make the final selection. The result document has more details on the Phase II exam and candidates are advised to go through them carefully.