IAF Group X & Y Phase I result declared at airmenselection.cdac.in
Along with the result, the Phase II admit card for candidates who have cleared the Phase I has also been issued.

Indian Air Force has declared the result for the Group X and Group Y Phase I examination for intake 02/2020 on October 16th, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check if they have cleared the exam at the official website, airmenselection.cdac.in.
The candidates who have cleared the exam are now eligible to appear for the Phase II examination. The admit card for the same has been issued which can be downloaded from the same website.
Candidates can access the result and the admit card in this direct link.
The online Phase I exam for the Group X which are technical positions and Group Y which are non-technical positions was conducted from September 21st to September 24th, 2019. The details of the Phase II exam will be mentioned in the admit card and candidates are advised to go through it carefully.
How to check IAF recruitment result:
- Visit the IAF recruitment website.
- Under Candidate section, click on the ‘Login’ button.
- A new page will open. Enter the log-in details and submit.
- The result and the admit card can be accessed from the page.