CTET December 2019 admit card released at ctet.nic.in
The CTET December 2019 exam is scheduled to be conducted on December 8th and now the admit card has been released

Candidates who have applied to participate for the CTET December 2019 exam can finally download the admit card from the official website. There had been a lot of speculation within the past few days about the admit card release date and now it’s finally available at, ctet.nic.in where candidates can download it from.
The Central Teacher Eligibility Test or CTET will be conducted on Sunday, 8th December, 2019. The exam will be conducted in two parts: Paper I will be conducted from 9.30 am to 12 pm and Paper II will be conducted from 2 pm to 4.30 pm.
Here are the direct links to download the CTET December 2019 admit card:
CTET Paper I is to check the eligibility of candidates to teach from classes 1 to 5 and paper II is to teach from teach classes 6 to 8. The recruitment examination will be conducted in 20 languages in 110 cities across the country. The CTET certificate can be valid up to seven years from the date of the declaration of results.
How to download CTET December 2019 admit card:
- Visit the official site of CTET at ctet.nic.in
- Click on the CTET admit card 2019 link
- Enter your login details
- The admit card will be displayed on the screen
- Download and save for future reference