JPSC 2018 Civil Judge Main exam result declared; check at
The Commission had conducted the written exam for Civil Judge (Jr Division) recruitment on September 28th and 29th.

Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) has released the Main exam result for the 2018 Jharkhand Judicial Services for the recruitment of Civil Judges (Junior Division) on November 21st.
Candidates who had appeared for the Main exam can check the result at the official website,
Here is the direct link to check the JPSC 2018 Judicial Services Main exam result.
JPSC had conducted the Main exam for the recruitment of Civil Judges on September 28th and September 29th, 2019 and now the results are out at the official website.
The roll numbers of all the successful candidates are displayed on the PDF.
How to check JPSC Judicial Services result:’
1. Visit the JPSC website.
2. Click on the link to check the relevant result placed on the home page.
3. A PDF will open with roll numbers of all the successful candidates.