AIBE XIV exam results declared; check at
The exam results of eight centres have been withheld due to complaints related to the examination held at the centres.

All India Bar Examination (AIBE) has declared the AIBE XIV result today, November 23rd. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the result at the official website of AIBE, The result link is available on the home page.
The result for eight centres have been withheld. The list of places for which the results have been withheld are Center code-15 (Visakhapatnam), Center code- 35 (Bhopal), Center code-36 (Jabalpur), Center code- 53 (Allahabad), Center code- 54 (Allahabad), Center code- 55 (Allahabad), Center code- 56 (Allahabad), Center code- 57 (Allahabad), Center code- 58 (Allahabad).
The notification said “The matter relating to the concerned center/s is pending inquiry as per the direction of the Honorable Monitoring Committee due to complaints related to the examination held at the center/s. Therefore, the decision of the committee shall be updated and intimated later. “
Here is the direct link to check the AIBEXIV result.
AIBE XIII examination was conducted on September 15th, 2019 and the admit card for the exam was released on September 10th, 2019. The exam was conducted in 40 cities across India in 11 languages.
How to check your AIBE XIV results
- Log on to the official website of the AIBE.
- Click on the link to access the AIBE XIV result.
- In the provided field, enter the required details and click on submit
- The AIBE results will be displayed on the screen, which can be downloaded and printed out for future reference.
The AIBE is a mandatory exam for law graduates in order to practice law in India. On successful completion of the test, that is after scoring a minimum of 40% in the AIBE, candidates are awarded a ‘Certificate of Practice’ by the Bar Council of India (BCI).