CSBC Bihar Police Constable recruitment exam admit card released at bpsc.bih.nic.in
The written exam for the recruitment will be conducted on January 12th and January 20th, 2020 in two sessions.

Bihar Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) has released has released the admit card for the written exam that will be conducted for the 2019 Bihar Police Constable recruitment. The admit card can be accessed and downloaded from the official website, csbc.bih.nic.in.
CSBC will conduct the written exam for the recruitment on January 12th and January 20th, 2020. Each day there will be two sessions in which the first session exam will be conducted from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon and second session from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
Here is the direct link to download the CSBC Constable written exam admit card.
A total number of 11,880 positions will be filled with the recruitment drive and the CSBC 2019 Constable recruitment process was conducted from October 4th to November 4th, 2019.
Earlier the Commission had released a list of 24,950 candidates whose applications for the recruitment drive were rejected by the Commission. Some of the reasons for rejections are Application Form Not Filled under which more than 23 thousand applications were rejected. Apart from that, multiple applications, unidentifiable photo/not uploaded, same photos uploaded on multiple application forms, unidentifiable signature/not uploaded are some other reasons for rejection.
The first stage of selection process will be a MCQ written exam for a duration of 2 hours and 100 questions. The exam syllabus will be based on Bihar Intermediate syllabus. The candidates who clear the written exam will be eligible for the PET/PMT round, details of which is in the notification, after which merit list will be declared.