CBSE class 10th, 12th admit card 2020: How to download
The admit cards can be downloaded from the official CBSE website

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released admit cards for class 10 and 12 students appearing for board examinations in February 2020. The admit cards can be downloaded from the official CBSE website or the direct link mentioned below.
The admit cards for CBSE 2020 board examinations cannot be downloaded by students individually but can be accessed by schools using the school login ID and password. The list of applicants along with the admit card and the center material has also been released. CBSE has not yet released the admit cards for private candidates yet. They can download their admit cards from the link which would be activated on once released.
Here is the direct link to download the CBSE class 10 and 12 admit card for board examinations 2020
In case a school is not registered on the official CBSE website, they can click on the option of ‘Register School’ on the login page. The CBSE examinations for class 10 will begin on 15th February 2020 and end on 20th March 2020. The class 12 examinations will begin on 15th February 2020 and end on 30th March 2020.
Check the full datesheet for CBSE 2020 board exams for class 10 and 12 here.
How to download the CBSE board exam admit card 2020:
- Visit the official website
- On the right column, click on the link: “ADMIT CARD AND SCHOOL LOC FOR BOARD EXAMINATION 2020”
- Use the school login ID and password to download the admit card
- Save and print for future reference
Examinations will be conducted from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm for board candidates of both classes as per the examination program released by CBSE. Answer sheets will be distributed between 10 am and 10:15 pm, while the question papers will be distributed between 10: 15 to 10:30 am. Examiners must reach the examination hall before ten o’clock.