Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) will begin the application process for the recruitment drive for Teachers under the Advertisement 04/2020 from today, January 24th, 2020.

The recruitment is being conducted for various teaching positions which includes 30 positions for 3,358 vacancies for various subjects and the application process will be conducted at

The notification for the above-mentioned advertisement was released on January 4th, 2020 for multiple vacancies which can be accessed at the official website

The notification under the Advertisement 04/2020 has 30 positions for PGT teachers for various subjects, TGT for various subjects, Librarian, Music Teacher, Drawing Teacher among others

Notification for the advertisement can be accessed at the DSSSB official website under What’s New section. One can also access the notification in this direct link: Advertisement 04/2020

The application process for the advertisement will begin today and go on until February 23th, 2020 at The notification will have details about the eligibility, qualification, selection process, reservation policy, vacancy breakdown among others.

How to apply for DSSSB recruitment vacancies:

1,. Visit the DSSSB application website.

2. Click on ‘New Registration’ button to go through the registration process.

3. Once registered, login to the website to process the application and submit it.

4. Take a print out of the submitted application for future reference.