WBPSC Civil Services admit card to be issued today at wbpsc.gov.in
The WBPSC is in the process of switching to a newer website from the old websites and students are suggested to download the admit card from the new website.

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) will released the West Bengal Civil Service preliminary examination admit card today, January 27th, 2020. The candidates who have applied to appear for the preliminary exam can download the admit card from the official website, wbpsc.gov.in.
The Commission will conduct the preliminary examination on February 9th, 2020 from 12.00 noon to 2.30 pm at different venues in Kolkata and outlying centres.
The Commission is in the process of switching from older websites (pscwbonline.gov.in and pscwbapplication.in) to a newer website (wbpsc.gov.in). The older and newer websites are functional as of now; however, a complete switch will be made on February 1st. Candidates can download the admit card on both the websites until January 31st after which the admit card will be available only on wbpsc.gov.in.
How to download WBPSC Civil Service 2020 admit card;
1. Visit the WBPSC official website,
2. On the right panel under ‘Candidate’s Corner’, click on the download admit card card link.
3. Once the admit card for the specific exam is released, the link for the same will get activated. Click on the link.
4. Enter the login information and submit.
5. The admit card can be accessed which needs to be downloaded and printed out.
The number of vacancies for which the selection process is being conducted will be revealed in the near future but the vacancies are for all the grades and for many state government departments. The recruitment process will involve three stages; preliminary exam, main exam, and personality/interview round. The preliminary exam scheduled to be conducted at 20 centres across the state.