WBPSC 2019 Motor Vehicle Inspector PST result declared; check here for direct link
All the successful candidates have now been shortlisted for the interview and document verification round.

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the names of the shortlisted candidates for the 2019 recruitment for the Motor Vehicle Inspector (Non-Technical) after the PST round. The result of the PST round can be accessed at the official website, wbpsc.gov.in.
The candidates who have cleared the PST round are now eligible to participate the interview round along with the Document Verification process. The Commission also said, “Schedule of Interview will be published in website in due course. Individual marks of ineligible candidates will be published shortly in the Proactive Disclosure Tab of this website(wbpsc.gov.in).”
Here is the direct link to check WBPSC MVI 2019 PST result.
The Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI) is being conducted to recruit 74 posts under Transport Department, Govt. of West Bengal [Advt No 1/2019]. The result document also has category-wise cut-off marks.
How to check WBPSC MVI 2019 PST result:
- Visit the WBPSC official website.
- Under the ‘What’s New’ section click on the result link.
- The PDF will details of all the successful candidates.