BPSC 2019 Assistant Engineer exam dates announced; check here for details
The preliminary written examination will be conducted in the month of March for Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers.

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the written examination details for the 2019 Assistant Engineering recruitment on February 24th, 2020. The candidates who have applied to participate in the Bihar Assistant Engineer recruitment can check BPSC official website, bpsc.bih.nic.in.
The examination for the Assistant Engineer will be conducted in the month of March 2020 for recruitment of Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers. The exam will be conducted on March 21st, March 22nd, March 28th, 2020, and March 29th, 2020.
Here is the direct link to check the BPSC 2019 Asst Engineer examination details.
The recruitment process will involve an objective exam for 600 marks involving six papers of 100 marks each. The exam will test candidates on General English, General Hindi, General Knowledge, General Engineering, and two elective papers for the relevant subject matter.
The recruitment is being conducted for vacancies for Minor Water Resources Department, Govt of Bihar for 28 positions for Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineers. The online application process was conducted from September 16th to October 4th, 2019.