ATMA AIMS February 2020 result declared; download result at
ATMA had conducted the February 2020 AIMS examination on February 9th and now the result has been declared.

Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) has released the result for the entrance test ATMA December 2020. Candidates who have appeared for this years’ test for February session can now check for their results at ATMA website -
AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) is a national level test which is recognized by AICTE and is an entrance exam for admissions on all India basis to the MBA/ PGDM/ MMS/ MCA courses. The Deexam this year was conducted on February 9th, 2020.
Here is the direct link to download the AIMS ATMA June 2019 result.
Ankit Udit Thakker topped the merit list followed by Pranesh Naresh Bhuvnani and Shubham Prakash Deora.
ATMA test is an all-India exam that is conducted for admissions to various institutions offering MBA, PGDM, MMS, and MCA programmes. Around 740 management institutions conduct their admissions via ATMA exams and the exam is AICTE approved.
How to access ATMA AIMS February 2020 result
- Visit the official website of AIMS ATMA -
- Click on the link for the ATMA February 2020 result on the homepage
- The PDF document will have details of the result.