Punjab 5th and 8th class students to be provisionally admitted to next class
The result for these classes will be declared based on the exams already conducted after the lockdown is lifted.

Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) has decided to provisionally promote all the students of Class 5th and Class 8th to the next class. informs Indian Express. The board could not complete the examination process for these two classes due to the lockdown in place to combat the spread of COVID-19 and thus the admission process cannot be initiated with lack of any result.
The circular issued by the board mentioned the board has already taken a decision regarding the two papers that are yet to be conducted for class 5 and has decided the result will be declared based the three papers already conducted. A formal notification of the same will be issued in the near future.
Keeping this decision in mind, the board has asked all the schools to provisionally admit all the class 5 students to class 6. The same process needs to be applied for class 8 students who will be provisionally admitted for class 9, adds the report.
For class 8, all the theoretical exams have been conducted and only practical exams were left which the board has decided to cancel. The evaluation will be done based on the theoretical part of the exam and the result will be declared.
Earlier the board had decided to make use of the lockdown period and declare the summer vacation for this academic year from April 11 to May 10, 2020. The academic year is expected to start from May 10 but the scenario will be clearer after the lockdown is lifted.