Chhattisgarh board cancels pending board exam for class 10th and 12th
The board had earlier decided to promote all students from class 1 to 8, 9th and 11th to the next class without any examinations.

Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) has decided to cancel all the pending examinations for the 2020 exams for class 10th and 12th, according to Indian Express.
The exams were scheduled to begin from May 4th after the lockdown is lifted on May 3rd but the board has shelved that plan.
The details regarding how the evaluation will be conducted for papers which have not been testing yet has not been revealed. The board is expected to release the details in the near future.
Earlier, the state board had decided to promote all the students from class 1st to class 8th, and class 9th and 11th to the next class without any exam.
The report from Indian Express reports that officials do not think that conducting examinations in the current COVID-19 scenario is possible and thus this decision had to be taken.
For the 10th and 12th board exam, the state might take the route of evaluating and promoting students based on exams already conducted. The other option the state has is to evaluate students on the pending subjects based on internal school assessment.
The state until Thursday had registered 40 cases of COVID-19 with 4 active cases and 36 recovered cases. The national count of COVID-19 cases crossed the 35,000 mark on Thursday with 1,1147 deaths.