UPSC Civil Services Prelim exam delayed once again; next evaluation meeting on June 5
The Commission said that they will hold a meeting on June 5th to assess the situation and decide their plans.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has once again delayed the announcement of the Civil Service Preliminary exam dates.
As informed earlier, the Commission conducted a meeting to review the situation and there was a probability that the Civil Services exam dates will be announced today. However, the Commission decided that another meeting will be held on June 5th to assess the situation.
The Commission has postponed the Civil Services preliminary examination along with the Indian Forest Services 2020 Preliminary exam. The exam was scheduled for May 31; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was postponed.
The Commission has to take into account the situation across the country as candidates have to travel to reach the exam centre. As long as the situation remains precarious, especially in metro cities, the Commission is unlikely to conduct the examination.
The Civil Services exam is conducted in three successive stages: 1) Preliminary (objective type) for the selection of candidates for the main examination 2) Civil Services (Main) Examination (written and interview) for the selection of candidates for the various Services and posts announced.