AIIMS 2020 Entrance Exam admit card to be released today; check at
The exams have been rescheduled and will be conducted on on June 11th.

All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) will be releasing admit card for all its entrance exams today, June 3, before 5.00 pm. All the candidates can download the admit card from the official website,, once it is released.
AIIMS will conduct various entrance exams on June 11 for the July-August batch from 1.00 pm. The entrance exams scheduled for that day include exams for AIIMS Fellowship Programme, DM/M.Ch. & MD (Hospital Administration), B.Sc. (Post-Basic), M.Sc. Nursing, and MD/MS/DM(6yrs)/M.Ch.(6yrs)/MDS.
The exams were scheduled to be conducted on June 5 initially but due to the evolving situation of COVID-19, the exams were rescheduled for June 11. The notification regarding the rescheduled date was released on June 1 which said, “The best possible examination city has been allotted to the candidates as per choice &subject to availability. The candidates are required to check allotted city on “MyPage” of “Final Registration” after Login with credentials.”
The notification also said all COVID-19 advisories and precautions provided by the government including physical distancing and sanitising will be followed at the exam centre.
How to check AIIMS Entrance exam admit card:
1. Visit the AIIMS Exams official website.
2. Once the admit card is released, click on the link to download the same on the home page.
3. Click on the relevant link to download the admit card.
4. Enter the log-in details and submit.
5. The admit card can be accessed which needs to downloaded and printed out.