Rajasthan 2018 RPSC RAS Mains result announced
Rajasthan Public Service Commission announced the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive exam 2018 results on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) announced the result of the Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Mains) exams 2018 on its official website on Thursday, reports TOI.
Candidates who have appeared for the Rajasthan 2018 Mains exams can visit the official website of RPSC - rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in - to check and download their results.
The RPSC conducted the Rajasthan 2018 Mains exams on June 25, 2019 and June 26, 2019. Along with RAS Mains result, the RPSC has also released the cut-off marks on the website.
Candidates who have qualified the Mains exams will be eligible to appear for personality and viva-voce test, the TOI report adds. The date of the personality and viva-voce test will be released later.
RPSC secretary Neetu Yadav on Thursday issued a notification saying that ‘if a candidate is found to not fulfil the conditions of eligibility prescribed as per advertisement/rules, his/her candidature shall be rejected by the commission even after the results are declared.’