BPSSC 2020 recruitment: 2213 vacancies released for SI and Sergeant positions
The application process for the recruitment will begin on August 16 and the last day to apply is September 24.

Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) has released a recruitment notification for a total number of 2213 vacancies today. The vacancies are for the position of Police Sub-Inspector and Sergeant and the application process will begin on August 16. All interested candidates can access the notification on the official website, bpssc.bih.nic.in.
Of the total vacancies of 2213, Police SI position has 1998 vacancies and Sergeant position has 198 vacancies. The application process will be conducted online on the website and the last day to fill the application form is September 24, 2020.
Eligiblity and Qualification:
Men candidates from general category should be below 37 years and women candidates should be below 40 years old to be eligible to apply. Relaxation is provided for ex-servicemen and candidates of reserved categories according to the norms. Candidates should have completed a graduation degree to be eligible to apply.
Selection Process:
Candidates have to appear for two levels of written exam, first a preliminary exam and then a main exam. The preliminary exam will consist of MCQ paper for 200 marks. Candidates have to achieved at least 30% marks to qualify for the Main exam. Total number of candidates who will be eligible to appear for the Main exam will be 20 times of the total vacancies.
The Main exam will consist of two papers of which the first paper will be on Hindi in which candidates need to get at least 30%. This paper is qualifying in nature and will not be accounted for in final merit list. The second paper will be on General Awareness.
Candidates six times the total vacancy will then qualify for the next round which is the PET and PMT, details of which can be found on the official notification.
Here is the direct link to access the BPSSC 2020 recruitment notification.
The link to apply for the recruitment drive will get activated on Sunday, August 16. Candidates should go through the official notification carefully and understand the qualification, eligibility, selection process, application process, reservation policy and other details before proceeding with the application.