UPSC CMSE 2020 application window closes tomorrow; apply now at
The preliminary examination for the CMSE 2020 will be conducted on October 22 at 41 cities across the country.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will stop accepting applications for Combined Medical Services Exam (CMSE) 2020 tomorrow, August 18, at 6.00 pm. All the candidates who want to appear for the exam but have not applied yet can do so as soon as possible on the official website,
The CMSE notification was expected to be released on July 21 but was postponed and was released on July 29. The preliminary examination will be conducted on October 22 at 41 cities across the country. The application can be withdrawn from August 25 to August 31, 2020.
The CMSE 2020 is being conducted to fill 559 vacancies of which 182 are for Category I position and the remaining for various positions under Category II.
All interested candidates must be below the age of 32 years for Category II and 35 for Category I position with relaxation in the age limit for candidates from reserved categories. All candidates should have cleared the written and practical parts of the final M.B.B.S. Examination.
Here is the direct link to access the UPSC CMSE 2020 notification.
Here is the direct link to start the application process for the UPSC CMSE 2020.
All interested candidates are suggested to go through the notification carefully for more information on eligibility, qualification, selection process, reservation policy, breakdown of vacancy, application process among other details.