UPSC CDSE (II) 2020 application process ends today at
The application process for the 2020 CDS II examination has been going on until from August 5.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will be closing the application process for the Combined Defense Service Examination or CDSE (II) today, August 258th. The CDS II 2020 examination will be held to fill 344 vacancies and interested candidates can apply on the UPSC website - till 6 pm today.
The online application process for CDS II 2019 began on August 5, while today is the last day for application submission. As mentioned, there are 344 vacancies divided under five categories - IMA, INA, IAF, OTA (Men) and OTA (women).
How to apply for UPSC CDS (II) exam 2020
- Visit the official UPSC online application portal -
- Click on online application for various examination of UPSC link on the home page
- A new page will open up with CDS registration process part 1, 2 links
- Fill up the application and complete both parts of the registration process
- Submit the application and make the exam fee payment
- Download the submitted application for future reference
The exam for the CDSE (II) 2020 is scheduled to be conducted on November 8th, 2020. The exam will be conducted 41 centres throughout the country. Candidates can go through the official notification to check the desired eligibility and qualification to participate in the examination.
Here is the direct link to access the UPSC 2020 CDSE (II) Notification.
The candidates have to first go through a written examination. The written examination for Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy will test candidates on English, General Knowledge and Elementary Mathematics. The exam for Officers’ Training Academy will test candidates on English and General Knowledge.