Unlock 4.0: Schools and colleges to remain closed until September 30
Metros will be allowed to run and bars have been kept out of the list of places that need to remain closed.

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has instructed all schools, colleges, coaching centres, and other education institutions to remain closed until September 30 as part of the Unlock 4.0 guidelines for COVID-19. All the educational institutions are encouraged to conduct teachings online or with use of other technological means.
The Unlock 4.0 instruction says, “Students of classes 9 to 12 may be permitted to visit their schools, in areas outside the Containment Zones only, on voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers. This will be subject to written consent of their parents/ guardians.” Up to 50% of school staff can also be called to schools for online teaching, which includes non-teaching employees too.
Other pertinent highlights in the guidelines that will be come into force from September 1 include resumption of Metro services from September 5. The resumption of Metro service will be done in a graded manner and standard operating procedures will be issued soon.
Unlock 4 opens up more activities outside Containment Zones
— Spokesperson, Ministry of Home Affairs (@PIBHomeAffairs) August 29, 2020
Metro rail allowed to operate with effect from 07.09.20 in a graded manner, by MOHUA/ Min. of Railways , in consultation with MHA. In this regard, SOP will be issued by MOHUA
Press Release 👇https://t.co/5utNQfYAVn
Social, academic, sports, entertainment functions and other congregations would be permitted with up to 100 persons. This will come into effect from September 21. All participants must wear face masks, maintain physical distancing, with provision for thermal scanning and hand wash or sanitisers will be necessary to hold such limited gatherings.
The guidelines has also removed inter-state and intra-state travel restrictions. Movement of persons and goods will not be prohibited now. No separate permission or approval or e-permit will be required for such movements. Bars have been kept out of the list of places that need to remain shut under Unlock 4.0.
Full lockdown will be implemented in containment zones with only essential services allowed. Strict restriction of movement will be followed in the containment zones.
What will remain shut under Unlock 4.0
- Schools, colleges and coaching institutions will remain closed till September 3.
- Places that involve large gatherings, including swimming pools, entertainment parks, cinema halls, theatres, auditoriums.
- International travel outside without prior permission from authorities.