ICAR 2020 PG, SRF/JRF AIEEA admit card to be issued tomorrow at icar.nta.nic.in
The ICAR UG admit card has already been released and ICAR PG and SRF/JRF exam is scheduled for September 23.

National Testing Agency (NTA) will be releasing the ICAR PG and SRF/JRF AIEEA 2020 admit card on September 10. All the candidates who have registered to appear for the PG or SRF/JRF ICAR exam can download the admit card from tomorrow on the official website, icar.nta.nic.in.
NTA had released the ICAR UG exam admit card on September 8, the exam for which is scheduled to be conducted from September 16 to September 22. The ICAR PG and ICAR SRF/JRF exam will be conducted on September 23.
NTA notification regarding the information of admit card said, “For any difficultyin downloading admit cardrelated to ICAR Examination-2020, the candidate can contact at 0120-6895200, 8287471852, 8178359845, 9650173668, 9599676953 and 8882356803 or mail aticar@nta.ac.in.”
The ICAR UG was initially re-scheduled to be conducted on September 7 and September 8 but was later postponed and is now going to be conducted from September 16 to September 22.
ICAR exam is conducted for admissions to various UG, PG & Ph.D agricultural courses. ICAR is the apex body for coordinating, guiding, and managing research and education in agriculture in the entire country under the aegis of DARE, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.