IBPS PO/MT 2020 preliminary exam admit card released at ibps.in
The preliminary exam is scheduled to be conducted on October 3, October 10, and October 11.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the admit card for the 2020 Probationary Officer and Management Trainee (PO/MT) preliminary exam admit card today, September 22. All the candidates can check the admit card and download it from the official website, ibps.in.
The preliminary exam is scheduled to be conducted on October 3, October 10, and October 11. Candidates are suggested to check the admit card carefully for details regarding the date, time, venue and COVID-19 related instructions.
Here is the direct link to download IBPS Preliminary exam admit card.
The candidates are allowed to carry masks (compulsory), gloves, transparent water bottle, hand sanitiser, a simple pen, call letter, photo ID, and scribe form (in case of scribe candidates) at the exam centre.
The preliminary exam will consist of 100 marks for 100 MCQ questions on English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. Candidates who clear the preliminary exam will be eligible to appear for the Main exam which is scheduled to be conducted on November 28.
The application process for the PO/MT recruitment this year was conducted from August 5 to August 28, 2020. The exam is conducted to fill 1417 vacancies for 11 participating banks.