JEECUP UPJEE 2020 answer keys to be released today at
Objections against the answers on the answer keys can be raised today and tomorrow online on the official website.

JEECUP will release the U P Joint Entrance Examination (UPJEE(P)-2020) entrance examination answer keys today, September 24. All the candidates who had participated in the UPJEE 2020 examination can download the answer keys from the official website,
Candidates can raise objections against the answers on the answer keys, which needs to be submitted before September 25 (5.00 pm) on the official website. Details of the process of the submission of objections will be available after the release of the answer keys.
JEECUP 2020 exam was conducted on September 12 and September 15. The Group A exam was held on September 12 from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and the Group E1 and E2 was conducted on the same day from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
JEECUP examination for admissions to Diploma/Post Diploma/ Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering, Technology and Management Programs in Polytechnic Institutions affiliated to Board of Technical Education UP.
How to download the JEECUP UPJEE answer keys:
- Visit the JEECUP official website.
- Click on the link to download the answer keys of the relevant paper.
- A PDF of answer keys will get downloaded with information on how to raise objection.