NTA ICAR 2020 result declared at ntaicar.nic.in; check here for direct links
The counselling details will be released soon on the official ICAR website.

National Testing Agency (NTA) has declared the ICAR 2020 AIEEA UG, PG and SRF/JRF result. All the candidates who had appeared for the ICAR 2020 examination for various categories can check the result on the official website, ntaicar.nic.in.
Now that the results have been declared, the counselling schedule and details based on the result will be released. Candidates should check the official ICAR website, icar.org.in, for more details regarding the same.
Here are the direct links to check the ICAR 2020 result:
Along with the result, candidates can also check the final answer keys on the official website. ICAR UG exam was conducted from September 16 to September 22 and PG/P.hD exams were conducted on September 23.
ICAR exam is conducted for admissions to various UG, PG & Ph.D agricultural courses. ICAR is the apex body for coordinating, guiding, and managing research and education in agriculture in the entire country under the aegis of DARE, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.