DRDO CEPTAM releases admit card of tier 2 exam for A&A cadre posts
So far, admit cards have been released for Fire Engine Driver and Vehicle Operator posts.

The Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has released the admit cards for the skill test or tier 2 exam of Admin and Allied (A&A) cadre posts. All the candidates can download the admit card from the official website, drdo.gov.in.
So far, admit cards have been released for Fire Engine Driver and Vehicle Operator posts. This cadre includes posts like Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Stenographer, Store Assistant, Security Assistant and Assistant Halwai. A total of 224 vacancies will be filled through this exam.
Here is the link to download DRDO A&A Tier II admit card
The DRDO is yet to notify the Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) recruitment exam date. The recruitment drive to fill 1,817 vacancies was announced in December 2019 and the exam was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The latest update on the DRDO MTS exam was released in June. “All candidates who have applied against DRDO Entry Test:2019-20/MTS advertisement, may please note that Tier-I (CBT) examination could not be conducted as per plan due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic,” the DRDO had notified, then. “However, this will be planned and tentative dates will be intimated in due course of time, subject to the prevailing conditions and Government guidelines issued from time to time regarding handling of the COVID-19 pandemic,” a notice stated.
Meanwhile, the Scientist B selection process will start in the last week of November. DRDO has extended the time limit within which candidates can submit their educational certificates. “In view of the delay in the declaration of final year examination results by some universities and the prevailing pandemic situation, the last date for uploading the Essential Qualification degree certificate/marksheets and caste/category certificates has been further extended to 17th November 2020,” it has notified.