HP Subordinate Allied Services-2019 Main exam result declared on hppsc.hp.gov.in
Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has declared the result of the Main written exam of HP Subordinate Allied Services-2019.

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has declared the result of the Main written exam of HP Subordinate Allied Services-2019. A total of 310 candidates have cleared the exam. Candidates can check the result on the HPPSC website hppsc.hp.gov.in.
Here is the direct link to HP Subordinate Allied Services-2019 Main exam result.
In all 57,592 applications were received through online mode for the HP Subordinate Allied Services (Preliminary) Examination 2019, HPPSC said. Out of which 50,844 were admitted provisionally and 37,149 candidates appeared in prelims held on February 9 this year. The result was declared on March 16 and 2,331 candidates were declared qualified for the main written examination.
A total of 2,117 candidates appeared in HP Subordinate Allied Services (Main) Examination-2019 held on August 6 and 7.
In the general category, 171 candidates made it to the merit list while 139 from different reserved categories tasted success.
Steps to download result:
- Visit HPPSC website hppsc.hp.gov.in
- Got to the ‘Results’ section and click on ‘Written Exam’
- Download the result and save a copy for future reference.