NTA JEE Main 2021 registration begins, first of 4 sessions in February
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has opened the registration window for the Joint Entrance Exam or JEE Main 2021.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has opened the registration window for the Joint Entrance Exam or JEE Main 2021. Submission of the online-only Application Form could be made by the candidate through the NTA JEE Main website jeemain.nta.nic.in by January 15, 2021.
In the next academic year, the JEE Main will be conducted in multiple sessions — February, March, April and May 2021. “This is being done to ensure that the JEE (Main)2021 does not interfere with the Board examinations, which may be held at different times across the States/UTs,” NTA has said.
The first session of the JEE Main 2021 will take place from February 22 to 25. The exam will be held in 13 languages and the admit cards will be released in the first week of February according to the NTA schedule. The timing for downloading the Admit Card for subsequent sessions of the exam will be announced on the NTA website.
The entire schedule for JEE Main 2021 is available on the NTA JEE Main website or on the direct link given below.
Here is the JEE Main 2021 Information Brochure.
About JEE (Main) 2021
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main) comprises of two papers. Paper 1 is conducted for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programs (B.E/B. Tech) at NITs, IIITs, other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), Institutions/Universities funded/recognized by participating State Governments, as well as an eligibility test for JEE (Advanced), which is conducted for admission to IITs. Paper 2 is conducted for admission to B. Arch and B. Planning courses in the country.
The NTA has decided to provide a choice in one section to rationalize the decision of different Boards across the country regarding the reduction of the syllabus. However, the total number of questions to be attempted will remain the same (Physics – 25, Chemistry – 25 and Mathematics – 25), wherever applicable.
The decision has been taken to cater to the students’ need as this will give multiple opportunities to the candidates to improve their scores in the examination if they fail to give their best in the first attempt without wasting their whole academic year.
According to the official notification, in the first attempt, “the students will get a first-hand experience of taking an examination and will know their mistakes which they can improve while attempting for the next time”.
Additionally, this will reduce the chances of dropping a year and droppers would not have to waste a full year. “If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control, then he/she will not have to wait for one full year,” the notice read.