BSEH HTET result 2020 released at, check details here
Candidates who appeared for the HTET exam can check the result at using their registration number and password.

The Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) has declared the result of the Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2020 on its official website. Candidates who appeared for the HTET exam can check the result at
Here’s the direct link to download the result.
Steps to check HTET exam result:
- Visit the official website at
- Click on ‘HTET result’.
- On the new webpage, click on ‘Result’.
- Key in your login credentials and submit.
- Download and take a print for future reference.
As per a report by Indian Express, “a total of 4,706 candidates qualified in the recruitment exam, the pass percentage was 7.04% for PRT post. Similarly, the pass percentage of the male candidate was 9.06%, while that of the female was 6.14%. A total of 4,934 candidates qualified in the recruitment exam for the PGT post. The overall pass percentage was 5.15%. The male pass percentage was 6.10%, while that of female was 4.79%.”
For the PGT post, a total of 3,056 candidates cleared the recruitment exam successfully, the overall pass percentage was 4.07%. The pass percentage of male candidates was 5.50%, while that of female was 3.43%. As many as 2,61,299 lakh candidates appeared in the state TET conducted on January 2 and 3, as per a report by Indian Express.