WBPRB Staff Officer 2019 admit card released, prelims on February 28
West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the admit card for the preliminary recruitment examination for the 2019 Staff Officer-cum-Instructor.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the admit card for the preliminary examination for the recruitment of Staff Officer-cum-Instructor in Civil Defence Organization-2019. The prelim exam has been scheduled for February 28 (Sunday) from 12.00 PM to 1.30 PM. Candidates set to appear for the exam can download their admit card from the WBPRB website wbpolice.gov.in.
“The candidates shall have to produce the printout of their e-admit cards at the allotted venues for appearing in the said examination with a proper proof of identity,” WBPRB has said.
The Board has also released a specimen copy of the OMR sheet and Attendance Roll on its website.
Here’s direct link to download WBPRB Staff Officer 2019 prelims admit card.
Here’s direct link to Specimen of Attendance Roll.
Here’s direct link to Specimen of OMR Sheet.
Steps to download WBPRB Staff Officer 2019 prelims admit card:
- Visit WBPRB website wbpolice.gov.in
- Go to ‘Recruitment’ section and click on link for ‘Staff Officer-cum-Instructor in Civil Defence Organisation, West Bengal 2019’
- Click on the admit card link
- Enter Application No and date of birth
- Download admit card that appears on screen
- Take printout and read instructions carefully.
Instructions for candidates
WBPRB has mandated the wearing of a 3 ply face mask for the exam. Candidate’s body temperature will be measured on his/her arrival at the entrance of the venue, candidates with body temperature which is beyond/ below the normal reference level shall not be allowed to take part in the exam. The candidates are also advised to follow the instructions given on their admit card and visit this website on a regular basis.