WB Police 2019 SI interview call letters released at wbpolice.gov.in
The Personality Test for the shortlisted candidates will commence under six Range Recruitment Boards (RRBs) on and from February 22.

The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has released the call letters for the 2019 Sub-Inspector of Police (Armed Branch and Unarmed Branch) recruitment personality test/interview. The Personality Test for the shortlisted candidates will commence under six Range Recruitment Boards (RRBs) on and from February 22.
Last week, the Board declared the result of the 2019 Final Combined Competitive Written Exam that was held in November last year. Candidates who cleared the exam are eligible to appear for the PT/interview round.
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 668 WB Police SI vacancies of which 494 are for unarmed branch and 174 for the armed branch.
Here is the direct link to download WB Police 2019 SI personality test call letter.
Here is the direct link to WB Police 2019 SI personality test venue list.
Steps to download WB Police 2019 SI Personality Test call letter:
- Visit WB Police’s website wbpolice.gov.in
- Go to the ‘Recruitment’ section and select ‘Recruitment to the Post of Sub-Inspector(UB) and Sub-Inspector(AB)‘
- Click on the call letter link
- Enter eight-digit Application No and date of birth
- Download call letter and take printout.
Important instructions for Personality Test
Each candidate will get to know his date of the 2019 Police SI Personality Test through the link wbprb.applythrunet.co.in provided in the website on keying of their Application Sl. No. and Date of Birth.
The candidates shall have to produce the printout of their e-call letters together with filled up CoVID Declaration Form before the Testimonial Checking Desk of the Range Recruitment Board concerned at the time of reporting on the date of their Personality Test.
The Board will send an SMS alert intimating the date and venue of Personality Test to the shortlisted candidates to their registered mobile numbers.
Candidates are directed to carry identical photographs along with proof of identity and other documents as mentioned in the e-call letters for Personality Test. The candidates are also advised to follow the instructions on their e-call letter and visit the website of West Bengal Police regularly for further updates.