Rajasthan RVUNL application process for 1075 vacancies starts; here’s how to apply
The online application process has commenced at energy.rajasthan.gov.in for 1075 vacancies for various posts.

Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (RVUNL) has begun the online application process for recruitment to over a thousand vacancies of Assistant Engineers, Accounts Officers, Personnel Officers, Junior Chemists, and Informatics Assistants in various state energy companies on its official website. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies at energy.rajasthan.gov.in by March 16.
Vacancy details
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 1075 vacancies, out of which, 946 vacancies are for Junior Engineer-I, 46 for Informatics Assistant, 39 for Assistant Engineer, 27 for Junior Chemist, 11 for Accounts Officers, and 6 for Personnel Officers.
Detailed advertisements describing terms and conditions, eligibility criteria viz. age, requisite educational qualification and admissible relaxations, salary, procedure of filling-up online application, selection procedure, etc., are available at the links given below.
Here’s direct link to RVUNL Recruitment 2021 notification.
Detailed Advertisement for the posts of Accounts Officer and Personnel Officer.
Detailed Advertisement for the post of Assistant Engineer.
Detailed Advertisement for the posts of Junior Engineer-I, Junior Chemist and Informatics Assistant.
Application fee
The application fee for all posts is Rs 1,600 for general category and Rs 1,400 for reserved categories.
Steps to apply for RVUNL recruitment 2021:
- Visit RVUNL website energy.rajasthan.gov.in
- On the homepage, go to ‘Menu’ and select ‘Recruitment’
- Click on ‘Recruitment-2021 in State Power Companies of Rajasthan’
- Click on ‘Apply Online’ for the desired post
- Register using personal and contact details
- Generate ID and password to login and fill application form
- Pay fees and submit form
- Download form and print a copy.