CBSE Group A Asst Secretary/ Analyst IT/ Asst Secretary IT result announced at
Candidates who appeared for the Assistant Secretary, Assistant Secretary (IT), and Analyst (IT) interview round can check their results at

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the result of CBSE Group A on its official website. Candidates who appeared for the Assistant Secretary, Assistant Secretary (IT), and Analyst (IT) interview round can check their results on the official website
According to the official notification, CBSE conducted the computer-based test (CBT) Group A recruitment examination from January 28 to 30, 2020, and the result was declared on October 16, 2020. The interview round was conducted from February 23 to March 3, 2021.
The recruitment drive was conducted to fill a total of 35 vacancies, of which, 14 vacancies are for the post of Assistant Secretary, 7 for Assistant Secretary (IT) posts and 14 vacancies are for the post of Analyst (IT).
Steps to download the result:
- Visit the official website
- Click on, “Result Notice for Group A Posts - 22/03/2021” under Latest CBSE section
- The result will appear on the screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference
Here’s the direct link to download the result.
The Board will also soon release the CBT and interview marks of all candidates on the official website. Candidates will be able to check and download their scorecard by logging in to the official website.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.