DME Punjab notifies 184 Senior Resident post vacancies; read details here
In total, 184 vacancies have been notified of which 93 are for GMC Amritsar and 91 for GMC Patiala.

The Directorate of Research & Medical Education, Punjab has invited online applications from eligible doctors for recruitment to the post of Senior Residents at Govt. Medical College, Patiala/Amritsar. Interested candidates can apply online at the official portal till April 29 up to 5.00 PM.
Candidates are required to submit applications through the proper channel only. For more details, refer to the official notification available on the website.
In total, 184 vacancies have been notified of which 93 are for GMC Amritsar and 91 for GMC Patiala.
Here’s DME Punjab Senior Resident recruitment notification.
Eligibility criteria
Age: The upper age limit is 40 years.
Educational qualification: M.B.B.S, M.D/M.S, DM/M.Ch. & Publications.
Steps to apply for DME Punjab Senior Resident recruitment:
- Visit DME Punjab portal
- Click on ‘online application form’ for Senior Resident
- Fill application, upload documents and submit
- Download form and print a copy.