NLC recruitment 2021: 65 SME Operator posts on offer, Class 10 pass eligible, read details
National Lignite & Coal India Limited (NLC) has invited applications from Class 10 passed candidates for recruitment to the post of SME Operator.

The National Lignite & Coal India Limited (NLC) has invited applications from Class 10 passed candidates for recruitment to the post of SME Operator on a fixed-term employment basis for a period of two years for its mines/thermal stations of Neyveli, Tamil Nadu.
Candidates can download and read the official recruitment notification at the website The company has notified a total 65 vacancies for the post of SME Operator.
Eligibility criteria
Age limit: The maximum age limit is 63 years as on crucial date in all cases. Relaxation in upper age limit above 63 years is not applicable for any category of candidates.
Educational Qualification: The candidate should have passed SSLC or Class 10 or it’s equivalent (or) ITI in Mechanical / Electrical Trade.
Experience: The candidate should have working experience of minimum five years in operating Specialized Mining Equipment of Mines / Thermal stations.
Here’s NLC SME Operator recruitment 2021 advertisement.
Selection procedure
The selection will be based on Practical Test. However, the management reserves the right to conduct a Screening Test for shortlisting the candidates. Intimation regarding list of candidates shortlisted, exact date and venue of the Practical Test will be hosted in NLCIL website. The final selection of candidates will be in the order of merit based on the marks scored by the candidates in the Practical Test.
Application procdeure
Candidates should apply through the prescribed format provided under Advt. No. 04/2021 to be downloaded from the NLCIL website, to be filled and sent to the address given below.
Send the filled in Application Form along with the enclosed documents in a cover with superscription of “APPLICATION FOR SME OPERATOR ON FTE BASIS (Advt.No.04/2021)“, by Post / Courier, so as to reach the following address on or before June 14 (before 17:00 Hours): ADDITIONAL CHIEF MANAGER (HR) / RECRUITMENT, RECRUITMENT CELL, HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT, CORPORATE OFFICE, NLC INDIA LIMITED BLOCK-1, NEYVELI, TAMILNADU - 607801.