Green Literature Festival has announced the shortlist for the 2024 GLF Best Green Book Awards. This is the fourth edition of the awards that started in 2021. The awards will be announced on December 7 at the festival in Bangalore.
The GLF awards are given to best green books in the children, adult fiction/non-fiction and green business categories. The winners will receive a cash prize of Rs 50,000. The winners are picked by combining popular votes and jury ratings.
Here are the shortlists:
Fiction/nonfiction books
The jury comprises authors Ravi Chellam and Prem Panicker, and anthologist AR Vasavi.
A Walk Up the Hill: Living with People and Nature, Madhav Gadgil
Marginlands: Indian Landscapes on the Brink, Arati Kumar-Rao
Shades Of Blue: Connecting the Drops in India’s Cities, Harini Nagendra and Seema Mundoli
The Covenant Of Water, Abraham Verghese
Women in the Wild: Stories of India’s Most Brilliant Women Wildlife Biologists, Anita Mani

Children’s books
The jury comprises writers Menaka Raman, Rahul Raghavan, and Thejaswi Shivanand.
10 Indian Tribes and the Unique Lives They Lead, Nidhi Dugar Kundalia
The Harmony of Bees and Other Charms of Creepy Crawlies, Ranjit Lal
When Fairyland Lost Its Magic, Bijal Vachharajani, illustrated by Rajiv Eipe
Ammini Against the Storm, Vishaka George
Afo and I, Canato Jimo
Hello, Sun!, Rajiv Eipe

Business books
The jury comprises naturalist, Priya Venkatesh, author Santhosh Jayaram, and climate activist Sayesha Dogra.
Back to Bharat: In Search of a Sustainable Future, Nagaraja Prakasam
The Case for Nature: The Other Planetary Crisis, Siddarth Shrikanth
Heavy Metal: How a Global Corporation Poisoned Kodaikanal, Ameer Shahul
From Trash to Treasure: Innovations in Global Waste Management, Sachin Mishra
Working to Restore: Harnessing the Power of Regenerative Business to Heal the World, Esha Chhabra