BKS Iyengar, who was probably the most famous yoga teacher in India, passed away early on Wednesday morning, according to a notice on the website of his institution. He was 96.

The Iyengar method he developed, which emphasises precision and alignment, is followed by thousands of people around the world.

Iyengar began to teach yoga in Pune in 1937, when he was just 18. But his journey to international fame started in 1952, when the violin maestro Yehudi Menuhin became his student. Menuhin was Iyengar's champion, introducing him to many other Western students, including the Queen Mother of Belgium.

His fame grew quickly. When he published his book Light on Yoga  in 1966, it was translated into 17 languages and became an international best-seller. Nine years later, he opened his Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, which draws students from all over the world.

Yoga, he said, is the vehicle to attaining complete freedom in body, mind and the self. He explains his philosophy and techniques at greater lengths in this film, The Ultimate Freedom.

B.K.S. Iyengar - The Ultimate Freedom Yoga [1976] from Praktijk Ourobouros on Vimeo.