Victims of the cyberattack on the Sony movie studio , which has resulted in the suspension of the movie The Interview, might not have got a great deal of support from Hollywood, but they do have the sympathy and attention of Dr Evil. The mega-villain from the Austin Powers movies weighed in on North Korea’s alleged role in the crime on the last episode of the popular American sitcom show Saturday Night Live.

Dr Evil, a composite of various Bond villains, took umbrage at the allegations that North Korea was involved in the cyberattack, pointing out that there was no easier way to kill The Interview's box-office chances than by shifting its release date away from the highly profitable of December. He also made fun of the The Interview’s cast, and obligingly chewed on his little finger at the end of it.

Not to be outdone, the Taiwanese Animators also put out its perspective on the cyberattack, speculating that the whole kerfuffle was set up by The Interview's filmmakers in collaboration with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to boost the chances of an otherwise ordinary movie.